I know, I know. VERY late on this one. But we had a fantastic Easter and I want to make sure I don't just skip the post, so here we go:
This was our first year coloring eggs with Dalila and she couldn't contain her excitement. Coloring kits are a little tough to find here sometimes, so my resourceful and creative hubby made his own egg dyes. They worked great...until we hid the eggs and noticed that they dripped. A LOT! Oh well, luckily they only dripped on our dark furniture and we noticed pretty quickly. Anyway, back to the coloring process. Here's a few shots of Dalia working her artistic magic on her Easter eggs. (Sorry for the topless photos - that's how three-year-olds color eggs on a hot March afternoon!)
Next came Easter bunny time!! All Dalila wanted for Easter was a "jumpin' rope." She was SO happy to find that the Easter bunny had heard her pleas and surprised her with some cute clothes and goodies along with her very own jumpin' rope. Here she is posing with her loot right before she was set loose to find her hidden eggs.
Poor girl - I caught her with the just-woke-up face. |
Jeremy worked on an amazing meal of roasted quail and potatoes that we hoped to devour before heading out on the next leg of our Easter fun, but the darn quail wouldn't cooperate, so we had to put off our dinner until late in the evening. Thankfully, our Easter egg hunt with Dalila's best little buddies made up for a late dinner and there was plenty of candy for her to nibble on and avoid hunger.
Our wonderful friends seem to know everyone at our local golf club and were able to reserve a portion of the academy course for us to hold our Easter egg hunt, just for the four toddlers. The dads all took off on their golf carts with the eggs and candy to play Easter bunny, then returned to pick up the moms and kiddies for egg and candy-finding fun. One of Dalila's favorite parts of the whole experience was the ride on the three-seater golf cart that she called the choo-choo.
Her favorite way to swing. |
Dalila in her darling Easter dress. |
Bouncing with her best buddies! |
A little practice before committing to a design for their eggs. |
Petting the mommy pony at the equestrian club, right next to the golf club. |
Mommy pony with her little colt - Awwwwww. |
Oooohing and Awwwing with Daddy over the cute little colt. |
Ready to ride the golf cart out to her egg hunt! |
Feeding some hungry fish who live in one of the water hazards. |
While Easter may have lacked the usual family time we so enjoy when we're home in Idaho, I think we were quite successful in building some lasting memories for Dalila to treasure.
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