Corniche Beach - Abu Dhabi

Corniche Beach - Abu Dhabi

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Beginning...

Well, we've finally entered the world of blogging. Jeremy and I have been married for six years now (!!), and were blessed with the most wonderful addition to our little family in January of 2010 - our darling daughter Dalila.

But perhaps the most exciting news currently consuming our time and thoughts is our impending move to the other side of the world. That's right, we're diving head-first into the expat life in just under two months - a plan we've actually been considering for almost a year now! Where are we headed? To exciting and exotic Abu Dhabi!!

When I mention our destination to others, I'm frequently met with a blank stare and then the obvious question - "WHY!?!" Honestly, the pros for this move far outweigh the cons. I will be teaching Emirati children English, math, and science. I know this will be incredibly difficult, but the benefits are AMAZING!! It's as if the United Arab Emirates heard of the troubles facing teachers here in the states and realized they could scoop many of the disillusioned and jaded teachers up by offering them a decent wage and plenty of perks! If that's the case, their plan worked on me!!

Feelings about our move seem to change as quickly as the weather in Idaho (for those of you who aren't familiar - think "eye blink"). Excitement is the most common, with an undercurrent of anxiety and even a mix of relief. As poor as the weather is in Idaho, treatment of teachers measures even lower on the desirability scale, hence the feeling of relief this news has brought us. Whatever the outcome when we arrive in our new home, it's sure to be an adventure!!

So, join the Allen family as we begin our incredible journey!!